Censored and Military Postal History

Between the Wars - IRA, Irish Republician Army Censorship

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The IRA, Irish Republican Army, used to raid post offices and mail duirng the Anglo-Irish War that took place in Ireland from January 1919 until July 1921 before the establistment of a dominion known initially as Southern Ireland and subsequesntly became the Irish Free State. The IRA were the para-military forces of the movement for independance that previously fought during the Easter Rising of 1916 and later the Irish War of Independence against British rule, 1916 - 1921.

When buuying IRA censor covers it is imperatice to know the histry of the period to determine if the mail is known to have been raided as some of the handstamps were known to be extant as late as the 1960s and were sometimes stamped by favour. So if a cover seems out of period or out of geographical location, caution should be used. before purchase.

Further examples will be added as they become available - Do you have different covers you can contribute?

Updated: 24 November 2005
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