Nutmeg Stamp Auctions - November 7-8, 2001

Ireland - Flights

2560 138.B 1st South America Flight of 1932, cover w/ "Triangular Style" Machine cnl, both Flight Cachets, bkstp, Berlin Transit Bridge cnl and Recife (Per.) Receiving pmk, VF (E800) 

2561 150.B 3rd South America Flight of 1932, card w/ Brown Flight Cachet, Red Connecting Flight Cachet, bkstp, Recife "20.IV.32" Arrival pmk, VF

2562 171.B 5th South America Flight of 1932, cover w/ Red Berlin Luftpostamt Cachet and both Flight Cachets, bkstps, Berlin Transit and Recife Receiving pmks, VF

2563 177.B 6th South America Flight of 1932, cover w/ both Flight Cachets, Pernambuco Receiving pmk, bkstp, Berlin Transit pmk, VF

2564 183.B 7th South America Flight of 1932, cover w/ Baile Atha Cliath pmks, Red Berlin Airplane Cachet, both Flight Cachets, all on face, bkstps, Berlin Transit and Recife Receiving pmks, VF

2565 189.B 8th South America Flight of 1932, cover w/ Baile Atha Cliath pmks, both Flight Cachets, bkstp, Recife Receiving pmk, VF

2566 202 !st South America Flight of 1933, Registered cover franked w/ #'s 67, 71 &: 75 tied by Baile Atha Cliath "4 MY/33" pmks, Red Connecting Flight from Berlin Cachet, Blue Flight Confirmation Cachet, Violet Blue &: Black "PAR AVION/AER-PHOST" Etiquette, addressed to Rio de Janeiro, bkstps, two Double Circle pmks: Manha - Rio and Tarde Rio, both dated "10.V.33", VF

2567 226.B 5th South America Flight of 1933, cover w/ Baile Atha Cliath pmks, bkstp, Pernambuco Receiving pmk, VF

2568 299.Bb 4th South America Fight of 1935, card w/ Baile-Atha-Cliath pmks, Europa-Sudamerika "a" Cachet, Tarde-Pernam "21.V.35" Receiving pmk on face and back, VF (E700)


Ireland - 1933 Chicago (Century of Progress) Flight

2569 238.E Registered card franked w/ #'s 69-70 &: 75 tied by "BAIIF ATHA CLIATH/27 SP/33" pmks, "Red Berlin Connecting Flight Cachet on back, Red "MIT LUFTPOST BEFORDERT/BERKLIN C2" Airplane Bridge cnl on face, Red Triangular Flight Confirmation pmk, Bluish Violet w/ Black lettering Etiquette "PAR AVION/AER-PHOST", addressed to Recife-Pernambuco Brazil, bkstps, "BERLIN C/30.9.33" Bridge cnl and two "PERNAMBUCO/5a SECCAO-MANHA/29 V.34" Double Circle pmks, VF
