I had intended to display the complete 64-sheet exhibit that was completely reorganised
for CENSORSHIP 1999 meeting of CCSG held during Indypex 99 in Indianapolis:
Awarded a Gold medal, however, I did not finish it before sending it away for some exhibits.

When I get it back I will update this page to the current 80 sheet (5 frame) exhibit.

Also displayed at ÉPA 50th Anniversary during Philatelic Show 2000 Boxborough:
Awarded a Vermeil medal and the APS Research medal.

Previously it was shown as a 48-sheet exhibit at Stampa 90 in Dublin
where it was awarded a Vermeil medal with Felicitations and at
Stampex 92 in London where it was awarded a Small Vermeil medal.

Unfortunately I am unable to complete this online project because the exhibit is not available but I will finish it when it becomes available again.
In the meantime there are only 24 pages online. Thanks for your patience.

Click on each thumbnail image to show a full size page in a NEW window.
No navigation buttons on the exhibit pages, just close the current page to reveal this page.

Frame 1

Title Page Emergency Powers Order 1939 Thomas Coyne Frank Aiken
Department of Defence Wax Seals Cover Posted September 4 1939 Provisional English Language Handstamp Passed by Censor handstamp - Long without number
Passed by Censor - 2-line with number Passed by Censor - 2-line with number Passed by Censor - 2-line with number Passed by Censor - 2-line with number
Passed by Censor - 2-line with number - black & red 4-line boxed censor handstamp in green 4-line boxed censor handstamp in red 4-line boxed censor handstamp in black

Frame 2

4-line boxed censor handstamp - color changling 2-line boxed bilingual handstamp 2-line boxed bilingual handstamp 2-line boxed bilingual handstamp
2-line boxed bilingual handstamp 2-Line Irish - Boxed Censor Handstamp - 2-Line Irish - Boxed Censor Handstamp - 2-Line Exempt

Frame 3

Frame 4

Updated: 25 November 2001Copyright © 2001 Webmaster